Father of Jesper Jonassen - Speedily recovering from knee and shoulderpain

The treatment of talented tabletennis player Jesper:

“In spite of focus on basicpractices, Jesper experiences a lot of strain on specific muscles due to a lot of static movement.

Jesper has had challenges with shouldermuscles, (not uncommon in tabletennis) and have tried different treatments. He has been treated by physiotherapists and have been given specific exercises without the needed results.

Jesper has had some of the same issues with his knee.

After relatively few treatments with Tom, Jesper is rid of his issues and have quicly returned to practice.

“We would like to give thanks to Tom who always finds time to perform “miracles” on Jesper”.

Eddy Grua (Jespers father)


Olav Hjemsæter - The treatment is different from all other treatment I have ever recieved