Olav Hjemsæter - The treatment is different from all other treatment I have ever recieved

“My name is Olav Hjemsæter, I am 20 years old and cycle for the Norwegian Continentalteam Team Coop.

The story of my injuries started i March 2019. During Tour de Normandie I broke my elbow, two weeks after achieveing 2 UCI podiumresults in Croatia.

A hard spring end summer went by after suffering from a broken elbow and postoperative infection, at last I could start cycling again. My left elbow was weak and stiff, leading to me developing a twisted position when cycling. All winter I trained in this twisted position and in January I started to feel pain in my lower back. During the next few months the pain grew worse and by March I was unable to perform.

During winter and spring i tried several therapists, my back was x-rayed, but the problem stayed unsolved. I had less pain but learned later that other muscles compensated hiding the pain.

This resulted in my body not responding to training. I started running in June unable to perform at all, far from last years level. I wasn`t even able to compete in the top 100 in National Norwegian Races. Just before the last lap I quit, and then luckily got in touch with Tom.

I did not tell Tom about backpains, but Tom pointed it out when I was walking through his office doors. He informed me that the muscles in my back, glutes and hamstring was extremely tense after cycling in a twisted position for months. At last answeres to my backpains! Tom also checked my position when cycling to get the whole picture.

For the following three days Tom treated me. The treatment is unique, and my muscles were sore for days after being treated. From then on there was a huge difference in my trainingresults. Looking back at my journal the effect of Tom treating me leaves no doubt. He was able to put my extremely tense muscles at ease, and restored musclefunction. He taught me how to get and maintain a good posture, learned me how to breathe with my stomack, a huge benefit when performing on elite level.

Functional muscles enabled me to return to normal levels, and I got better every month. The way back has been hard, but I am extremely thankful for Toms help. He helped me back from 1,5 years with a nonfunctional body. The last 6 months i have maintained a good muscle-function, only receaving controltreatments.

“Tom has given me effective advice, and shared his experience from working with several top athletes. During the treatments I have learned a lot, and he is helpful and offers advice even after ending the treatment”. Olav Hjemsæter, professional cycler


Anders Konradsen - Tom saved my career!


Father of Jesper Jonassen - Speedily recovering from knee and shoulderpain