The most common areas to treat


Internal stiffness is one of the most common and dangerous threat to the body

Stiffness increases along with your age and lifestyle. Organs and reflexes are affected by this inner stiffness. So does the blood and venous circulation system in the body. This is part of a natural process where the body prepares to grow old and die. Fortunately, it is possible to slow down this process.

When you come to me for treatment, I work with your unconscious nerve and muscular system. I quickly gain the trust of the "driver" who sits in your head and controls the entire system. The "driver" quickly realizes that I have a lot of knowledge, and would like to help.

The most common aches and pains may be the most difficult to understand

But fortunately I have good experience of helping people with such problems. Here are some of them:

  • Some suffer from underfoot pressure, which propagates to the hip and back. Here I have very good exercises and coordination training for the whole lower body, which gets stiff feet, hips and back in place again.

  • Functional dysfunction in and around the ankles and knees, eventually causes great pain in small muscles and attachments. Especially when the muscles are to be used over time, lactic acid will easily accumulate and cause pain.

  • Poor breathing and chest pain, stiff hips and muscle pain in the gluteal muscles, leg cramps, pain in the shoulders and arms, facial pain and headaches.

Finding the initial damage is conclusive in order to find the best possible treatment. A treatment who facilitates improvement and a fully restored body.