Steinar Hoen - The man is a genious!

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Steinar Hoen, former professional high-jump athlete, Norwegian record and European Champion in 1994.

Hoen had a serious strain-injury, and prospects were having to lay off training for a long time. After Tom`s treatments it all changed:

“I first met Tom Skjønhaug in the winter of 1996, when I had just had a stretch in my groin (tailor muscle) It was a fairly strong stretch, with internal bleeding wich you could see on the inside of the thigh. As soon as I met Tom, I realized I was in the best hands. Normally, such a stretch injury would take 8-10 weeks before it was healed, it would have meant that I would lose large parts of the indoor season.

Tom told me that he would be able to fix the damage in 3-4 weeks if I worked with him twice a day. He started by softening my calf muscles, which I did not quite understand why he did. The calf muscles were incredibly stiff and it hurt a lot when he worked really hard on them. After a couple of days, he started working on attaching the tailor muscle below the knee. The whole muscles were tight as a guitar string. He worked with transverse massage on the entire tailor muscles except right where the injury higher up. This eventually led to the whole muscle relaxing more and it meant that the actual injury higher up healed much faster.

Already three weeks after I got on Tom's bench I was fine.

I went straight to England and won a competition of 2.33 cm just over 3 weeks after the injury. I still had remnants of blood accumulating below the knee from the injury, but I could jump without pain. It was like a miracle. After that, I only used Tom for the rest of my career until I retired in the year 2000.”

Steinar Hoen



Geir Gulliksen, 46 years on the national team of show jumping


Marius Lundemo had a back injury that no one was able to treat so he recovered